marți, 5 ianuarie 2010

Expozitie de portelanuri pictate

Va invitam cu drag la Expozitia de Portelanuri Pictate in Bistro de l'Arte, Brasov unde iubitorii de ceai si cafea o sa gaseasca o mare varietate de obiecte pictate/decorate manual: ceainice, cani, farfurii, etc. expuse intr-o cafenea speciala. Expozitia este deschisa pana la sfarsitul lunii februarie 2010 ;o)

So here's an invitation to our Exhibitition of Painted Porcelaine in Bistro de l'Arte, Brasov where amateurs and professionals of tea and coffee will find cups, mugs, teapots and many other little things manualy painted & decorated-in the ambiance of a special coffee-tea house. The exhibition is open until the end of february 2010.

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