sâmbătă, 3 martie 2012


RO:1 bentita/ cordeluta cu un trandafir mare in tonuri superbe de lila/ violet , 2 trandafiri verzi si unul mov, frunza de iedera si un bob de fruct de padure delicios - toate asezate pe o bentita neagra mata, eleganta.Se poate folosi zi de zi sau pentru ocazii mai speciale( nunta,botez,etc.)PRET 50 RON
ENGLISH:handmade headband with 3 different sortiments of roses, bordeaux and green leafs and a delicious forest berry - in intense and beautiful tones. Can wear it day by day or for special occasions like weddings. We also do CUSTOM pieces.PRICE 11 EUR
PT.COMANDA / TO ORDER: mefisto_phylis@yahoo.com

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